Harlan Campbell Jr Shooting Clinics in Oct of 2018

Aubrey, Harlan, Josie, Sam & Derik (2017 clinic)

Randy, Darin, Scott, Harlan, Tracy, & Taima  (2017 clinic)

DuckCreek is pleased to announce TWO upcoming Harlan Campbell Jr Shooting Clinics.  These two day clinics will be held in October, 2018. We will only accept seven shooters per clinic.   Call me today if you are interested!  

The 2-day clinic will cover all three disciplines of shooting:  Singles, handicap, and Doubles.  

You will learn to develop strong physical and mental game plans then take those game plans to the trap line.  Cost of the 2 day clinic is $375 plus your shells and targets.  Please bring your own shells as we only have limited inventory here.  Cost of targets is $7.00 per round (box of shells).  You will shoot approximately 300-325 targets, depending on the experience level and desire of the class.  The clinic will be held rain or shine.  A $50 deposit will hold your spot with the balance due on the first morning of the clinic.  Lunch will be served at the club both days.

THURS-FRI :                                              SAT-SUN:

  1.                                                                        1.
  2.                                                                        2.
  3.                                                                        3.
  4.                                                                        4.
  5.                                                                        5.
  6.                                                                        6.
  7.                                                                        7.

 Harlan Campbell Jr., of Tribune, Kansas, began his registered career in 1973. Since then he has fired at more than 450,000 targets, accumulated many awards and logged numerous records.

Harlan photo

Harlan is 22 -Time ATA All-American Team member, including once ATA All-American on the 1980 Junior Squad, and once 1997 Men’s Second Team.  He has been a Men’s First Team member every year since 1998 including being CAPTAIN 11 times.

 Campbell has collectd TRAP & FIELD All-Around Average awards every year since 2002, leading the ATA in composit averages in 2012.  For 20 of the past 21 years he has finished with a singles average of 99% or higher.  His personal best is a 99.66 in 2014.  He completed his ATA GRAND SLAM in August of 2000 with a 100 from the 27. 

 He ranks among the associations’s leaders in the 100s in doubles, with 295 to date.

If you want to improve your shooting abilities, you won’t have another chance like this anytime soon.  We are fortunate to be able to offer you an opportunity to learn from one of the all-time best!  

See you on the shooting line!    

To learn more about Harlan, go to his website: www.harlancampbelljr.com
